Imre Kertész was a teenager when he survived the concentration camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald. The ordeal of a fifteen-year-old boy who survived the German death camps is also the subject of this Hungarian Nobel prizewinner’s major literary work. Told from the point of view of this adolescent boy, this meticulous screen adaptation tells the story of the experiences of the Jewish population in Budapest during the Second World War: from the compulsory purchase and sewing of a yellow star of David onto their clothing, to deportation and their ordeal at Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Zeitz, as well as the liberation of the camps and the return of survivors to post-war Budapest.
”In this way,” as the film’s producer comments, “the film adopts a completely different perspective to the one so familiar to us from many other films made about the Holocaust. Instead of looking at things from the outside in a way that has characterised our perception of the Holocaust for the past forty years, it shows events from the point of view of those directly affected by it.”
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Robert Buckler (Producer), Ildiko Kemeny (Producer), Jonathan Olsberg (Producer), Andras Hamori (Producer), Bernd Hellthaler (Executive Producer), Imre Kertész (Script), Marcell Nagy (Actor), Lajos Koltai (Director)
Competition · Press Conference · Feb 15, 2005
Robert Buckler (Producer), Ildiko Kemeny (Producer), Jonathan Olsberg (Producer), Andras Hamori (Producer), Bernd Hellthaler (Executive Producer), Imre Kertész (Script), Marcell Nagy (Actor), Lajos Koltai (Director)
Competition · Red Carpet · Feb 15, 2005