Flipping Out

Following their military service, many young Israeli soldiers retreat to northern India. There they spend their end-of-service bonus on drugs of all kinds. High up in the mountains they sit in front of gigantic hookahs, enjoying the view or dancing round the clock. But very few of them seem to be able to relax. The young Israelis tell of their deployment in the occupied territories almost mechanically and usually unreflectively, but their memories catch up on them. Some of them even suffer from hallucinations and psychotic episodes. But the Israeli state has provided for them – there are therapeutic support centers, the orthodox offer round table talks, and a former Mossad agent takes care of the especially difficult cases. He brings those who have flipped out back into the fold. Yoav Shamir’s documentary paints an indirect portrait of a society that is under permanent strain and doesn’t know how to vent the pressure. When the rainy season comes to northern India, the whole community travels to Goa – including the Mossad agent and the therapists.
Anke Leweke
by Yoav Shamir Israel / Canada 2007 83'

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