Ma Ju-Lung, Ethan Juan, Mark Chao, Rhydian Vaughan
Monga by Doze Niu Chen-Zer
TWN 2010, Panorama

Tsai Chang-Hsine, Ethan Juan, Mark Chao, Rhydian Vaughan
Monga by Doze Niu Chen-Zer
TWN 2010, Panorama

Doze Niu Chen-Zer
Monga by Doze Niu Chen-Zer
TWN 2010, Panorama
Mosquito, Monk, Dragon, White Monkey and A-Lan are all members of the ‘Gang of Princes’. They formed the gang when Mosquito’s snack was stolen on his first day at school in Monga. The five teenagers have decided they don’t want to be pushed around.
The boys soon begin to enjoy their new found gangster lifestyle and are already planning to take over as top dogs on the streets of Monga. But little do they know that there are others who are deeply jealous of Mosquito’s success.
Geta, one of Monga’s old triad leaders, sees it as his duty to teach these cheeky young upstarts the true laws of gangsterdom. And so Geta tells the youngsters about the legacy handed down by the city’s founders and the strict laws of a brotherhood which should always fight not just for territorial reasons but also to protect their honour.
But even Geta has no inkling of the storm that is about to hit Monga – a storm that will destroy the town’s traditional values and the vestiges of its glory. A new gang, bristling with an arsenal of handguns, is about to change forever the little world in which Geta and the ‘Gang of Princes’ have made themselves at home.
World Sales
Distribution Workshop (HK) Limited
Additional information

Chao Yu Ting, Rhydian Vaughan, Niu Chen Zer, Lee Lieh, Juan Ching Tien
They came to Berlin to support their film.
Monga · Panorama · Feb 16, 2010
Jake Pollock (Director of Photography), Lieh Lee (Producer), Rhydian Vaughan (Actor), Yu Ting Chao (Actor), Ching Tien Juan (Actor), Niu Chen-Zer Doze (Director)
Panorama · Press Conference · Feb 16, 2010