News & Press Releases

by festival edition (descending)
78 results
78 results
European Film Market & Co-Production Market

24.02.2010: An Air of Optimism at the European Film Market 2010 

High attendance and a great atmosphere marked the EFM 2010. In this anniversary year of the Berlinale, the EFM management recorded a total of 6450 visitors by the end of the European Film Market. In complete contrast to the wintry conditions in the city, the European Film Market of the 60th Berlin International Film Festival showed signs of a spring-like renewal [...]
Additional Information

20.02.2010: The audience celebrates the 60th Berlinale with an attendance record: Great Birthday Party With Many Guests 

Today, Saturday, February 20, the 60th Berlin International Film Festival comes to a glamorous close with the award ceremony. 1600 guests are expected at the gala in the Berlinale Palast, where from 7.00 pm onwards the winners of the Golden Bear and the Silver Bears, the Alfred Bauer Prize, and the Best First Feature Award will be announced [...]
Awards, Competition, Panorama, Berlinale Shorts, Forum & Forum Expanded, Generation, Perspektive Deutsches Kino, Berlinale Talents

20.02.2010: The Awards of the 60th Berlin International Film Festival 

All the awards – official and independent juries – of the 60th Berlin International Film Festival [...]
Awards, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

20.02.2010: Perspektive Deutsches Kino: Lebendkontrolle by Florian Schewe wins the FGYO Prize “Dialogue en perspective” 

Today, in the independent juries section of this year's part of the 60th Berlinale, the young Franco-German jury awarded the “Dialogue en perspective” prize [...]
Awards, Panorama

20.02.2010: Berlinale 2010: Panorama Audience Award 

The audience has decided: the Panorama Audience Award – organized by “radioeins” of rbb (Berlin-Brandenburg’s public radio and television station), Berlin’s city magazine “tip”, and the Berlinale’s Panorama section – goes to: Waste Land (Great Britain, Brasil 2010), directed by Lucy Walker, João Jardim and Karen Harley [...]
Awards, Generation

20.02.2010: Berlinale 2010: Crystal Bears and Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk Awards in Generation Kplus 

The members of the Children’s Jury Generation Kplus Antonia Appel, Johan Bauch, Jakob Götz, Sophia Greiwe, Klara Hirseland, Joshua Krüger, Jonas Mileta, Zoë Noack, Elsa Rother, Gwendolyn Yma June Weber, Iwan Zinkovski give the following awards: [...]
Awards, Generation

19.02.2010: Berlinale 2010: Crystal Bears in the Generation 14plus 

The members of the Youth Jury in the Generation 14plus Mara Erlenmaier, Lea Huber, David Köller, Imke Mayer, Lukas Monath, Lorenz Nolting, Lara Passfall give the following awards: [...]
Additional Information

19.02.2010: The Public Celebrates the 60th Berlinale and the Special “Berlinale Goes Kiez” Series 

The run on the 60th Berlinale continues: 270 000 cinema tickets were sold on the first eight days of the Festival. “Our audiences have given us the biggest birthday present of all. Again we are celebrating the Berlinale as the largest film festival for the public in the world”, Festival Director Dieter Kosslick delightedly remarks about the enthusiasm for the Berlinale... [...]
Berlinale Talents

18.02.2010: Berlinale Talent Campus #8 focuses on collaborative filmmaking Camilo Sanabria from Colombia wins the Score Competition 

Thursday evening, February 18, in the Theater Hebbel am Ufer (HAU 1-3), the eighth edition of the Berlinale Talent Campus successfully concluded with the Closing Ceremony and the Award Ceremony for this year's Score Competition. For six days, 350 young filmmakers from 95 countries had the unique opportunity to meet each other and the film industry's best, up close and personal. Over 100 events brought the Talents together with more than 150 invited international experts and Berlinale guests. During workshops, master classes and training sessions, they discussed the various facets of the trade under the banner "Cinema needs Talent – Looking for the Right People" [...]
Awards, Berlinale Shorts

17.02.2010: Bears and Awards for the Best Films in Berlinale Shorts 

The International Short Film Jury awarded the Golden Bear and the Jury-Prize Silver Bear, the DAAD Short Film Award and the nomination for the European Film Academy Short Film 2010 [...]
Berlinale Talents

17.02.2010: Berlinale Talent Campus #8: – Berlinale Talent Campus launches a new website for emerging international film critics 

The Berlinale Talent Campus is launching a new internet portal for emerging international film critics: This new portal is open to young film critics who are current or former participants of the Berlinale Talent Campus' Talent Press programme [...]
European Film Market & Co-Production Market

16.02.2010: The Market’s Hot in Wintry Berlin – EFM off to Great Start 

The EFM reports almost 40,000 visits during the first half of the European Film Market. At peak times on Sunday, more than 2,400 international industry attendees poured into the Martin-Gropius-Bau. This is a new record compared with 2009, which registered 1,738 trade professionals [...]
World Cinema Fund

16.02.2010: Iranian Director Jafar Panahi Denied Permission to Leave Iran 

Jafar Panahi, one of Iran’s most important directors and honorary guest of this year’s Berlinale, has been denied permission to leave Iran. With his film The Circle, Panahi won the Golden Lion in 2000; and with Offside, the Silver Bear in 2006 [...]
Berlinale Talents

14.02.2010: Opening Ceremony of the Berlinale Talent Campus & Award Ceremony for the Berlin Today Award 

Jonah and the Vicarious Nature of Homesickness by Bryn Chainey wins the Berlin Today Award 2010 [...]
Berlinale Shorts

12.02.2010: Berlinale Shorts: Samm Haillay Is New Jury Member 

British film producer Samm Haillay is the new member of the Berlinale Shorts jury. The other jury members are Brazilian festival director and producer Zita Carvalhosa, and author and chief editor of Spex Max Dax. Polish director Xavery Zulawksi had to cancel coming to the festival at short notice [...]
Additional Information

12.02.2010: Berlinale Supports UNICEF Emergency Aid for Haiti 

The Berlin International Film Festival supports UNICEF Germany’s relief efforts for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Berlinale Director Dieter Kosslick is pleased that the Berlinale will be cooperating with the UNICEF, and asks people for their support [...]
Additional Information

10.02.2010: A Dazzling Opening Night for 60th Berlinale 

With the world premiere of the film Tuan Yuan by Wang Quan’an, the 60th Berlin International Film Festival will open tomorrow, February 11, 2010 in the presence of the director and the actors Lisa Lu, Ling Feng, Monica Mo and Jin Na [...]
Additional Information

08.02.2010: Berlinale 2010: Celebrating Our Official Partners 

“In 2010 we are not only celebrating the Berlinale’s 60th anniversary, but also our partners’ continuing commitment. The Festival would not be possible without the support of the Minister of State for Culture Bernd Neumann and our sponsors. And this year we have a new main partner: BMW [...]
Additional Information

05.02.2010: 60th Berlinale: Films and Patrons for Movie Theatres at “Berlinale Goes Kiez” 

With a flying red carpet from February 12 to 21, the Berlinale is bringing its films and their film teams to arthouse cinemas in Berlin’s neighbourhoods – from Weißensee to Zehlendorf [...]

04.02.2010: Connected, in Context and Ready to Roll – Generation Rounds Off Its Programme 

In three special out-of-competition events, Generation is networking with other Festival sections, reflecting on its own history, and intensifying the Berlinale experience for young visitors [...]
World Cinema Fund

03.02.2010: Berlinale 2010: World Cinema Fund Day on February 17, 2010 – “Strategy makes sense, and passion does, too…” 

On February 17, 2010, the WCF Day will once again provide an opportunity to learn more about the programme, successes, funding strategies, films, initiatives, and partners of the World Cinema Fund [...]
Perspektive Deutsches Kino

03.02.2010: The seven members of this year’s German-French jury for the Berlinale section Perspektive Deutsches Kino have been confirmed 

For the seventh time the Berlin International Film Festival and its official partner the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) will be presenting young German and French film fans with the opportunity to join the jury for the “Dialogue en perspective” award [...]
World Cinema Fund

02.02.2010: World Cinema Fund Two Oscar nominations for La teta asustada and Ajami 

The Berlinale congratulates directors Claudia Llosa, Yaron Shani and Scandar Copti on the Oscar nomination for the Best Foreign Language Film 2010 [...]
Additional Information

02.02.2010: New mobile phone platforms for Berlinale, European Film Market and Berlinale Talent Campus 

Starting now, visitors to the festival, film market and Campus can access three mobile websites that have been optimized for comfortable use on mobiles and smartphones [...]
Additional Information

01.02.2010: Press file for the 60th Berlin International Filmfestival

The Berlinale 2010 press dossier, detailed film lists of all sections and the programme of the Berlinale Talent Campus can be downloaded here (only in German) [...]
Retrospective, Berlinale Classics & Homage

01.02.2010: Retrospective PLAY IT AGAIN ...! Guests, Talks, and Short Film Selection 

For the Berlinale’s 60th anniversary, the Retrospective is focusing on the history of the Festival. This filmic excursion into the past is a perfect occasion for us to celebrate with old friends and acquaintances, and to re-screen in Berlin the films with which they have fascinated festival audiences over the past decades [...]

01.02.2010: Berlinale Camera 2010: Honouring Yoji Yamada, Ulrich and Erika Gregor, and Berlin’s Fine Art Foundry Noack 

Since 1986, the Berlin International Film Festival has presented the Berlinale Camera to film personalities or institutions to which it feels particularly indebted and it wishes to express its thanks [...]
Additional Information

01.02.2010: Berlinale 2010: The Programme is Complete 

Competition: The documentary feature Exit Through the Gift Shop (Great Britain) by British street artist Banksy completes the Competition programme of the 60th Berlinale. His debut film, says the artist, is “a film about a man who tried to make a film about me” [...]
Additional Information

28.01.2010: Berlinale Keynotes: Discussion on the Future of Cinemas with Star Architect Norman Foster 

For the Berlinale’s 60th anniversary, a panel discussion with top experts will focus on the future of cinemas. Architects, urbanists, trend forecasters and filmmakers will present their ideas on the future of the movie theatre, and its architecture, sociological function and urban environment [...]
European Film Market & Co-Production Market

28.01.2010: The EFM Industry Debates 2010: Trends for the 21st Century 

Within the scope of the European Film Market 2010, the EFM Industry Debates are being held for the fourth time. This industry event is being presented in collaboration with our partner Commerzbank and in cooperation with three major international trade magazines: Screen International, The Hollywood Reporter and Variety [...]
European Film Market & Co-Production Market

27.01.2010: “Breakfast & Books”: Film Rights for Breakfast at the Berlinale Co-Production Market 

On February 16, international producers will again have the opportunity to discover new literary material for screen adaptations at the Berlinale Co-Production Market. Ten selected books will be presented in pitching sessions at “Breakfast & Books”, the market for literary adaptations [...]

26.01.2010: Berlinale 2010: International Jury 

The International Jury, presided over by Werner Herzog, will decide who is to take home the Golden Bear and the Silver Bears as well as the Alfred Bauer Prize in the Competition of the Berlinale 2010 [...]
Forum & Forum Expanded

26.01.2010: “Dialogues with Films”– The Forum turns 40 

As the Berlinale celebrates its 60th anniversary, the Forum will also be looking back on four decades of film and festival work. The stories of the two events are inextricably linked, with their shared paths yielding a fascinating piece of (film) history [...]
Additional Information

26.01.2010: Jury for the Best First Feature 

The Berlinale has been even more committed to supporting the next generation of film makers since 2006, when it introduced the Best First Feature Award [...]
Forum & Forum Expanded

22.01.2010: Staging memory: Cinema as the intermediary between space and time at the 2010 Forum Expanded 

This year, the program of the 5th Forum Expanded extends beyond film installations and curated film and video screenings, turning its attention in addition to the relationship between screen and stage in a series of nine performances [...]

22.01.2010: Berlinale 2010: the Panorama Is Now Complete with 54 Films 

This year’s Panorama will present 18 feature films in its main programme, 16 will screen in Panorama Special and 20, in its Panorama Dokumente series. Of these films from 29 countries, 32 are world premieres, and 17 are directorial debuts [...]
Additional Information, Berlinale Special

21.01.2010: Berlinale Special 2010 

The Berlinale Special is part of the festival’s official programme and presents recent works by contemporary filmmakers and re-screens historical works. The filmmakers of the movies in the Berlinale Special will attend the premieres and present their films [...]
Berlinale Talents

21.01.2010: Berlinale Talent Campus #8: The Future of Film: Intercontinental, Collaborative and Cross-media. “In the Limelight”: French Director and Screenwriter Claire Denis 

“Cinema Unlimited – Intercontinental Connections”: One of the Berlinale Talent Campus' most fundamental goals is to support collaborative filmmaking that goes beyond national and cultural boundaries [...]

20.01.2010: More Titles for the Competition of the 60th Berlinale Confirmed 

26 films will participate in the Competition programme of the 60th Berlin International Film Festival. In addition to the seven titles announced earlier (see press releases from December 15, 2009), a further 18 films have now been confirmed [...]
Forum & Forum Expanded

19.01.2010: A world in pieces: the films of the 40th Berlinale Forum 

In its 40th year, the Berlinale Forum features a selection of films that capture the mood of the times in a sensitive way. Rarely have there been, in feature films and documentaries alike, as many people caught in insolvable conflicts, faced with essential decisions or staring into the abyss as in this year’s selection of films [...]