Kim Kkobbi, Kim Hyo-jin
Chang-Pi-Hae | Ashamed by Soo-hyun KIM
KOR 2010, Panorama

Chang-Pi-Hae | Ashamed by Soo-hyun KIM
KOR 2010, Panorama

Kim Soo-hyun
Chang-Pi-Hae | Ashamed by Soo-hyun KIM
KOR 2010, Panorama
Two women encounter love. Fed up with her dreary, utterly boring life, Yoon decides one night to pretend to commit suicide. As luck would have it, she meets Kang, a young woman who drifts through life earning a living as a pickpocket. Yoon and Kang’s love story begins when the two women are handcuffed to each other. The women manage to escape and, once they have shaken off the police, they kiss for the first time. Shortly afterwards the women move in together and begin to enjoy a carefree life. But their blissful existence is not to last. Kang’s depressing lack of prospects and Yoon’s growing expectations prove too much of a burden for their relationship. Listening to Yoon, Jung and Hee-jin learn a completely different side of love.
Additional information

Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Khobbi, WIeland Speck
The director and the main actor of the Korean film with the section head.
Chang-Pi-Hae · Panorama · Feb 14, 2011