Carolina Tamez, Oisín Monaghan, Cristina Tamez, Francisco Rodriguez
As Rosas Brancas | The White Roses | Die Weißen Rosen by Diogo Costa Amarante
PRT/USA 2013, Berlinale Shorts

Diogo Costa Amarante
As Rosas Brancas | The White Roses | Die Weißen Rosen by Diogo Costa Amarante
PRT/USA 2013, Berlinale Shorts
© Heinrich Völkel
Calm are the images and gestures that lead us through this film. The colours of night are also the colours of mourning. Mystical imagery and thoughts tangibly resound in the here and now. Who has the stronger powers of recollection – the horse or the elephant? Of the utmost importance however, is the question of how to proceed with the mother inside one's heart. ‘There are times, when all the world's asleep, the questions run too deep for such a simple man, won't you please, please tell me what we've learned, I know it sounds absurd, but please tell me who I am.’ (Supertramp)
World Sales
FiGa Films, LLC.
Additional information

Maike Mia Höhne, Diogo Costa Amarante
The curator speaking to the director at the Q&A session after the premiere.
As Rosas Brancas · Berlinale Shorts · Feb 10, 2014

Maike Mia Höhne, Diogo Costa Amarante
The curator speaking to the director at the Q&A session after the premiere.
As Rosas Brancas · Berlinale Shorts · Feb 10, 2014
As Rosas Brancas | The White Roses | Die Weißen Rosen
Film Excerpt