BIRDS by Ulu Braun
DEU 2014, Berlinale Shorts

Ulu Braun
BIRDS by Ulu Braun
DEU 2014, Berlinale Shorts
© Daniel Pook
There it stands, the vulture. Majestically spreading its wings. Holding its position, it scours the open area. The other birds scrutinise their territory as well. Quo vadis, bird? Ulu Braun participated at Berlinale Shorts in 2013 with FORST. His latest film BIRDS looks at the life of birds in urban habitats. They apply their instinctive behaviour to the developed environment. What role do humans play therein? Bags and umbrellas become bushes, buildings become monoliths and people become organisms. The birds are forced to come to terms with a world that they are not responsible for.