
Seventeen-year-old Henrik dreams of a career as a professional football player. He lives with his parents and siblings in a suburb of Malmö. His is a happy and contented existence in the bosom of his family. Life couldn’t be better – until, one day, his mother dies and all that changes. Unable to cope with the new situation, Henrik’s father beings to neglect the children. What’s more, his grief soon turns into self-pity and he hits the bottle again. And so it falls to Henrik to try and keep the family together. At an age when most teenagers are usually preoccupied with being teenagers, Henrik finds himself obliged to take on the responsibility for an entire family. Gradually, the children learn how to manage their lives without a mother. But Henrik is clearly struggling on all fronts, trying valiantly to hold open his arms and keep the family together in one embrace. Henrik’s task is a superhuman one; no sooner does he realise this, than the reality of his situation comes crashing down around him. However, at that very moment, the tide turns. The doorbell rings. Elvira walks into the apartment – and straight into Henrik’s heart. Not only does Elvira give him the support he so desperately needs, her presence heralds the return of love and happiness to Henrik’s life once more.
by Reza Bagher
with Linus Nilsson, Rolf Lassgård, Carina M. Johansson, Moraea My gren-Johansson, Matias Bergsten
Sweden 2003 110’ recommendation: 12 years and up

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