
A love story about a gay couple. Todd Verow’s film tells the story of two men who have broken each others’ hearts. This is a film about what heartbreak does to someone and where it leads them: anonymous sex in public, chasing lost dreams and finding out what constitutes a gay male relationship – or any relationship for that matter.
Todd Verow: “I set out to make a film about relationships and the impossibilities and complexities of monogamous sexuality. I had been developing the character for a few years: a lonely man who works in a movie theater and has anonymous sex in public places and via the internet. It seemed natural to me that my first gay feature after FRISK would be about love – real love – not the kind that we see in most movies but the kind that requires a lot of work, blood, and sweat. If you cannot hurt someone you don’t love them. This is the kind of film that anyone, gay, straight, male or female can relate to if they are willing to take a long honest look at themselves in the mirror.“
by Todd Verow
with Todd Verow, Dustin Schell, Sophia Lamar, Shawn Durr, Craig Chester
USA 2003 82'

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