A kis Valentinó

Little Valentino | Der kleine Valentino
An agricultural cooperative just outside Budapest, 20-year-old László, who works as a co-driver, accompanies an older colleague to the post office, where a large sum of money is to be paid in. The branch is completely rammed with people and time is getting on. László gets in the queue but soon gives up in the chaos. When he comes out of the branch though, his colleague is already driving away in the delivery van. The amount of money that László now has in his pockets soon makes his good intentions evaporate. He drifts around and starts extravagantly spending money which doesn’t belong to him. He buys a pair of sunglasses, takes a taxi into Budapest and watches passers-by. He treats himself to a slap-up meal in a luxury hotel and watches a documentary about Las Vegas at the cinema. Later on, he meets a friend who works as a taxi driver and is soon to be married. The two of them reminisce together as they drive to Lake Velence near Budapest. At a resort restaurant, the waiters think that the two young men must be fraudsters, with a fistfight ensuing. László is abandoned by his friend and flees the scene. But the strange pull that the day has been exerting on László is not done with him yet. He ends up spending the rest of the money in an amusement park before turning himself in to the police.

by András Jeles
with János Opoczki, István Iványi, József Farkas
Hungary 1979 95'

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