Kopietheater 2: Roysdon/Praunheim

Kopietheater is an experiment in radical cinema and the culmination of a research project by London-based curator/artist Ian White. Exploring context and the act of reading as material content Kopietheater radically juxtaposes film, video, still images, sound, text and performance into unique, simultaneous presentations - a theatre of reproducible units proposed as fundamental cinema.

Kopietheater follows a series of exploratory screenings and events in March 2009. Re-presented here is a simultaneous screening of von Praunheim’s film It’s Not the Homosexual… – widely regarded as instigating the gay rights movement in Germany and still an incisive, hysterical and challenging indictment of homogenized gay culture - alongside a series of photographs by American artist Emily Roysdon; a re-gendered, contemporary version of David Wojnarowicz’s Arthur Rimbaud in New York (1978-9).

It is supported by a programme of work specially conceived for the event by artists, writers and theorists, who were invited to propose two things that we would see, hear or read simultaneously. As such they are responses, critiques and new explorations. A new kind of cinema without a moving image: Kopietheater.

Programme 2

Simultaneous presentation: untitled (David Wojnarowicz project), Emily Roysdon, digital photographs, US 2001-8 / Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Situation, in der er lebt (It’s Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Situation In Which He Lives), Rosa von Praunheim, WGer, 1971, 67mins

Followed by a Q&A with Rosa von Praunheim in the auditorium and Emily Roysdon live from New York
by Ian White, Emily Roysdon, Rosa von Praunheim United Kingdom / Federal Republic of Germany 1971 67’

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