Olga Shuvalova, Kolya Spiridonov
Italianetz | An Italian | Der Italiener
Kinderfilmfest / 14plus

Kolya Spiridonov
Italianetz | An Italian | Der Italiener
Kinderfilmfest / 14plus

Andrei Kravchuk
Italianetz | An Italian | Der Italiener
Kinderfilmfest / 14plus
The latter path would involve a battle against Russia’s feeble adoption laws in a godforsaken part of the country where, for children without parents, adoption offers the only chance for survival. Moreover, there’s plenty of money to be had in selling orphans into adoption abroad. For Vanya to succeed, he would have to get his own way in a cruel world where adults are not about to let a perverse six-year-old prevent them from earning a quick buck. He would also have to defend himself against the avarice of corrupt militias. But, above all, his refusal to allow himself to be adopted by an Italian family would be a decision against his mother’s wishes, who abandoned him in a Russian maternity ward.
The world of children is a universe with its own laws; a realm in which sometimes one’s heart speaks louder than one’s intellect. Vanya decides to set off in search of his mother. But he must first learn how to read so that he can understand the little information he has about her. Vanya embarks on his quest – and encounters a mysterious and dangerous world.
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Lenfilm Studios
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Andrei Kravchuk, Kolya Spiridonov
Kinderfilmfest-premiere of Italianetz in Zoo Palast: director Andrei Kravchuk and actor Kolya Spiridonov, arguably the youngest star of this festival.
Italianetz · Kinderfilmfest / 14plus · Feb 14, 2005

Kolya Spiridonov
A brave Kolya Spiridonov of Kinderfilmfest entry Italianetz standing at his first press call.
Italianetz · Kinderfilmfest / 14plus · Feb 14, 2005

Galina Antoschewskaja, Thomas Hailer, Andrei Kravchuk
Winner of the Grand Prize of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, awarded by the International Jury of the Kinderfilmfest: Andrei Kravchuk (r.) for his film Italianetz - here with his assistant Galina Antoschewskaja and Kinderfilmfest head Thomas Hailer.
Italianetz · Kinderfilmfest / 14plus · Youth jury · Grand Prix of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk · Feb 19, 2005