Olhe pra mim de novo

Look At Me Again
OLHE PRA MIM DE NOVO is a road movie that whisks us away to the wild, semi-arid expanse of north-eastern Brazil. Our tough, cool travelling companion is Silvyo Luccio (‘… I was born a woman, became a lesbian and am now a man’), a thinker in the throes of transition and transformation who finds himself on a journey back into his religious-fundamentalist, deeply prejudiced, traditionalist past. At the heart of old wounds, humiliation and trauma lies an anxiously awaited encounter with a daughter and the hope of familial reconciliation.
OLHE PRA MIM DE NOVO portrays a vibrant human being full of resilience, who has broken free of the sexual catechism’s stale trinity of hetero-homo-bisexuality in order to set off on a different path in search of new horizons. Before him lies a baking hot road through regions marked by grinding poverty, ardent religious faith, superstition and bloated machismo, as well as several encounters with some extraordinary people.
by Kiko Goifman, Claudia Priscilla Brazil 2011 77'

World Sales

FiGa Films, LLC.

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