The Weight of Elephants

Das Gewicht der Elefanten
Adrian’s isolation manifests itself in his fantasies: He is king of an underwater world, where reflections of crystal glasses on the walls mimic those in the water, where simple fabrics are transformed into precious ones as if by magic. His playful, dreamy imagination distracts him from everyday life, for the reality he lives in could not be more different. Neither his chronically depressed uncle nor his overworked grandmother understand the ten-year-old’s games. His mother abandoned him when he was very young and he is bullied at school. Just as news arrives that three children are missing, a new family moves in next door. Adrian develops a close relationship to their tomboyish, ten-year-old daughter Nicole and believes he is getting close to solving the mystery of the missing children. New Zealand forms the backdrop for this universal story for adults and those who have never wanted to grow up. It is a story about friendship and loneliness, emotions which Adrian already feels so poignantly as a child. The Danish first-time director’s expressive visual language dramatically merges water and air, reality and a hint of fantasy.
by Daniel Joseph Borgman
with Demos Murphy, Angelina Cottrell, Matthew Sunderland, Catherine Wilkin
New Zealand / Denmark / Sweden 2013 87’ recommendation: 12 years and up

World sales

New Zealand Film

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