Queen of Earth

Elisabeth Moss
Queen of Earth by Alex Ross Perry
USA 2015, Forum
© Sean Price Williams

Alex Ross Perry
Queen of Earth by Alex Ross Perry
USA 2015, Forum
Last year’s events keep crashing in upon the present, things weren’t good then and they aren’t better now. When the two women confide in one another, it’s like two separate monologues, the camera gliding between their strained faces as if they were one and the same. They otherwise stick to wry barbs, each criticizing the other’s privilege as they still cling on to their bond. As salad leaves wilt, men come and go, and tension gives way to hostility, what even remains of this friendship? Dark-ringed eyes alight with rage, a stream of quiet bile, one face cut into another, two true Queens of Earth.
Additional information

Alex Ross Perry
The director of the film.
Queen of Earth · Forum · Feb 07, 2015

Keegan DeWitt, Anna Bak-Kvap, Joe Swanberg, Alex Ross Perry, Keith Poulson, Adam Piotrowicz
The film team after the premiere.
Queen of Earth · Forum · Feb 07, 2015

Alex Ross Perry
The director of the Forum film during Q&A.
Queen of Earth · Berlinale Goes Kiez · Feb 09, 2015