Miloš Timotijević
Vlažnost | Humidity by Nikola Ljuca
SRB/NLD/GRC 2016, Forum

Tamara Krcunović, Slaven Došlo
Vlažnost | Humidity by Nikola Ljuca
SRB/NLD/GRC 2016, Forum

Nikola Ljuca
Vlažnost | Humidity by Nikola Ljuca
SRB/NLD/GRC 2016, Forum
© Vladimir Vidic
Nikola Ljuca’s astutely directed feature debut depicts the neo-capitalist establishment in post-Milošević Serbia as being caught between cocaine and corruption, technocratic cool and social traditions. The director has described it as "a road movie through Belgrade akin to an odyssey". His protagonists are people for whom everything is now a no-brainer and who no longer reflect upon themselves. This is a razor-sharp, universal portrait of a society in which the outwardly urbane is merely a convention.