Brüder der Nacht
Brothers of the Night

Brüder der Nacht | Brothers of the Night by Patric Chiha
AUT 2016, Panorama
© Marlies Faulend

Brüder der Nacht | Brothers of the Night by Patric Chiha
AUT 2016, Panorama
© WildART Film
Gus Van Sant meets James Bidgood meets Pasolini: Brothers of the Night is a hybrid, imbued with a rich baroque semi-darkness, deliberately and disturbingly oscillating between documentary and dramatised scenes. This is no moralising know-all ballad about hustlers, but rather a tender and empathetic hymn to the grim poetry of survival and the solidarity amongst the ostracised and the outsiders.
Additional information

Patric Chiha
The director of the Austrian film.
Brüder der Nacht · Panorama · Feb 16, 2016
Brüder der Nacht | Brothers of the Night
Film Excerpt