Sofia Nicolaescu, Serban Pavlu
Toata lumea din familia noastra | Everybody in Our Family by Radu Jude
ROU/NLD 2012, Forum

Sofia Nicolaescu
Toata lumea din familia noastra | Everybody in Our Family by Radu Jude
ROU/NLD 2012, Forum

Radu Jude
Toata lumea din familia noastra | Everybody in Our Family by Radu Jude
ROU/NLD 2012, Forum
As soon as the camera enters the cramped flat with him, it is as if transformed into a measuring device. Each rise in blood pressure, every emotion, sarcastic remark, threat, or self-abasement is recorded in meticulous fashion, including any amount of dirty laundry and unfinished business. Although Marius’ visit is brief and we experience it in real time, the ever-broad spectrum of feelings that go hand in hand with the family cosmos means the excellent actors have plenty to draw on.
Experience is nearly always the parody of an idea. This also applies to the idea of family. Fight or flight can also help when it comes to irresolvable family bonds. Or even both.
World Sales
Films Boutique
Additional information

Ada Solomon, Mihaela Sîrbu, Sofia Nicolaescu, Radu Jude, Ansgar Vogt
Happy faces after the premiere.
Toata lumea din familia noastra · Forum · Feb 13, 2012

Mihaela Sîrbu, Sofia Nicolaescu, Radu Jude
The director and his two actresses after the screening.
Toata lumea din familia noastra · Forum · Feb 13, 2012