Censored Voices

Censored Voices by Mor Loushy
ISR/DEU 2015, Panorama
© Avner Shahaf

Censored Voices by Mor Loushy
ISR/DEU 2015, Panorama
© Dan Arazi

Censored Voices by Mor Loushy
ISR/DEU 2015, Panorama
© Mishmar Haemek
Extant fragments of the original recordings are juxtaposed with voices from newsreel archives and images of the conflict which help locate the audio testimonials in time. These former soldiers are now men in their seventies; movingly they now take in the doubts they had at the time about the sacrifice that was made in this war in order to achieve victory. Their voices could not be heard until now – yet they relate to the State of Israel as we know it today.
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Dogwoof Pictures