News & Press Releases

by festival edition (descending)
80 results
80 results

10.12.2019: Panorama 40: A Reflection On the Spirit of the Programme 

2019 marks the 40th edition of the Panorama section of the Berlinale. Since its initiation in 1980 under the title Info-Schau, the section has presented films intended to inspire and provoke, and to challenge the audience’s viewing and thinking habits [...]
Forum & Forum Expanded

16.05.2019: Section head change for Berlinale Forum 

Joint press release by the Berlin International Film Festival and Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art e.V.
Christoph Terhechte will vacate his position as director of the Berlinale Forum in July of 2018 [...]
Additional Information

18.02.2019: Dieter Kosslick Bids Farewell After a Successful Festival  

The 69th Berlin International Film Festival has come to a successful conclusion. [...]
Awards, Generation

16.02.2019: Berlinale 2019: Crystal Bears and Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk (The Children’s Charity of Germany) Awards in Generation Kplus 

The members of the Children’s Jury in Generation Kplus give the following awards [...]
Awards, Competition, Berlinale Shorts, Panorama, Forum & Forum Expanded, Generation, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

16.02.2019: The Awards of the 69th Berlin International Film Festival 

All the awards – official and independent juries – of the 69th Berlin International Film Festival [...]
Awards, Berlinale Talents, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

15.02.2019: The Two Kompagnon-Fellowships for Berlinale Talents and Perspektive Deutsches Kino Go to Ana-Felicia Scutelnicu and Julian Pörksen Respectively. Congratulations! 

Today, on the final evening of Perspektive Deutsches Kino, once again two Kompagnon-Fellowships were awarded [...]
Awards, Generation

15.02.2019: Crystal Bears and the Awards by the Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education) in Generation 14plus 

The members of the Youth Jury Generation 14plus give the following awards [...]
Berlinale Talents

15.02.2019: Looking Forward to the Next Mistakes – Summary of the 17th Edition of Berlinale Talents 

In front of a full house yesterday, anti-Mafia author Roberto Saviano brought the 17th edition of Berlinale Talents to a successful close [...]
Awards, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

15.02.2019: The Compass-Perspektive-Award for the best film in the programme goes to Maryam Zaree for her film Born in Evin. Congratulations! 

On the final evening of Perspektive Deutsches Kino, jury members Trini Götze, Jerry Hoffmann and Andrea Hohnen presented the Compass-Perspektive-Award 2019 for the best film. The distinction goes to the film Born in Evin by Maryam Zaree [...]
Additional Information

11.02.2019: The Dates for the 70th Anniversary Edition of the Berlinale Are Set 

The Berlin International Film Festival will be celebrating its 70th anniversary edition next year [...]
European Film Market & Co-Production Market

11.02.2019: Solid Support for Promising Film Projects: Three Awards and 1,500 Meetings at the Berlinale Co-Production Market 

At the Berlinale Co-Production Market (February 9 to 13), three awards featuring cash prizes have been given to selected feature film projects [...]

11.02.2019: Programme Change in Competition 2019 

Due to technical difficulties encountered during post-production, Yi miao zhong (One Second) by Zhang Yimou unfortunately cannot be presented on February 15 in the scope of the Competition section of the Berlinale. The Competition will thus feature a total of 16 films vying for the coveted Bear awards [...]

06.02.2019: Festive Opening of the 69th Berlinale 

On February 7, the 69th Berlin International Film Festival will be off to a festive start [...]
World Cinema Fund

04.02.2019: Berlinale World Cinema Fund: Showing the Complexity of the World – Supporting the Pluralism of International Film Cultures 

The WCF supports all fictional and documentary cinematic modes of expression that deal with depicting and/or interpreting reality [...]
Additional Information

04.02.2019: Applause for the Official Partners of the Berlinale 

The 69th Berlin International Film Festival is again receiving support from its Principal Partners — L’Oréal Paris, ZDF, Glashütte Original and Audi — and its co-partners — Leysen1855 and Mastercard — as well some 30 other national and international enterprises [...]

04.02.2019: Generation 2019: Programme Additions and Changes 

We hereby announce the following additions and changes to this year's Generation programme [...]
Additional Information

29.01.2019: Glashütte Original – Documentary Award: Jury and nominated films 

This year, for the third time, the Berlin International Film Festival will present the Glashütte Original - Documentary Award, which was established in 2017 thanks to the support of watch manufacturer Glashütte Original from Saxony [...]
Additional Information

29.01.2019: Press file for the 69th Berlin International Film Festival

The Berlinale 2019 press dossier, detailed film lists of all sections can be downloaded here [...]
Additional Information

29.01.2019: Berlinale Goes Kiez: The Programme 

From February 9 to 15, Berlinale Goes Kiez will bring the festival to local arthouse cinemas for the tenth time [...]
Additional Information

29.01.2019: GWFF Best First Feature Award Jury 

Since 2006, when it introduced the GWFF Best First Feature Award, the Berlinale has been even more committed to supporting the next generation of film makers [...]

29.01.2019: Berlinale Camera 2019: Honouring Sandra Schulberg, Wieland Speck, Agnès Varda and Herrmann Zschoche 

Since 1986, the Berlinale Camera has been awarded to individuals and institutions that have a connection with the festival and have made an extraordinary contribution to the world of filmmaking [...]

29.01.2019: Berlinale 2019: International Jury 

Once again a multitalented International Jury will decide who will take home the Golden and the Silver Bears at the Berlinale 2019. 17 films are competing for the awards in this year’s Competition. The winners will be announced at the Berlinale Palast on February 16 [...]
Berlinale Talents

24.01.2019: Berlinale Talents 2019: Take a Deep Breath and Fail Better! 

The programme is set — and yet everything’s still open [...]

24.01.2019: Generation 2019: Juries, Cross Section, 30 Years Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film School Tribute and Berlinale Schulprojekt 

The Generation 14plus International Jury will award the Grand Prix for the Best Film (endowed with €7,500) and the Special Prize for the Best Short Film (€2,500) [...]
Additional Information

24.01.2019: Diversity at Berlinale 2019 

For years now, companies and cultural institutions around the globe have been tackling issues of inclusion and equal rights [...]
European Film Market & Co-Production Market

23.01.2019: The African Film Industry of the Future at “Berlinale Africa Hub”/ “DocSalon” & “EFM Producers Hub” Feature Topics of Diversity and Inclusion 

For the third year in a row, the “Berlinale Africa Hub”, an initiative of the European Film Market (EFM), is providing an international forum for communication and networking for African filmmakers and creatives [...]
Forum & Forum Expanded

23.01.2019: Forum and Forum Expanded Present Archival Constellations 

The Forum’s objectives have always included the idea of looking at film history from the point of view of contemporary cinema. Living archive work produces new things of all kinds [...]
Forum & Forum Expanded

22.01.2019: Forum Expanded: ANTIKINO (The Siren’s Echo Chamber) 

At a time when moving images are ubiquitous, transgressing media boundaries, if we can even still call it that, is defined by other parameters [...]
Additional Information

22.01.2019: Berlinale Goes Kiez: The Festival in the Cinema Around the Corner 

From February 9 to 15, 2019, when the Red Carpet is rolled out in a different neighbourhood daily, not only the film teams will be in the limelight, but also the cinemas themselves and their visitors [...]
European Film Market & Co-Production Market

21.01.2019: “Books at Berlinale”: Twelve International Literary Works in Search of Film Producers 

On February 11, in the scope of “Books at Berlinale”, a co-operation with the Frankfurter Buchmesse, the Berlinale Co-Production Market will present twelve new and notable literary works that lend themselves perfectly to adaptation for the screen [...]

21.01.2019: Panorama 2019: Breaking Free 

The programme of the 2019 edition of Panorama is complete [...]
Forum & Forum Expanded

18.01.2019: Forum 2019: Risk Before Perfection 

Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art is putting on the Forum as part of the Berlinale for the 49th time [...]
European Film Market & Co-Production Market

18.01.2019: The Film Industry of the Future: “EFM Horizon” Examines Industry Innovations in Content, Structure and Technology 

With “EFM Horizon”, for the third year running, the European Film Market (EFM) is offering its participants a platform to engage with innovations and new developments in the world of media and entertainment which promise to impact and shape the future of the film industry [...]
Berlinale Series

17.01.2019: Berlinale Series 2019: Innovative Formats and Long-Awaited Highlights in the Programme’s Fifth Year 

The fifth year of the Berlinale Series programme will see seven drama series from Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Israel, Austria and Sweden celebrating their premieres at the Zoo Palast [...]
Competition, Berlinale Special

17.01.2019: Selection for Competition and Berlinale Special Completed 

The programmes for the Competition and Berlinale Special sections at the 69th edition of the Berlin International Film Festival have been finalised. [...]
Additional Information

16.01.2019: The 13th Culinary Cinema: A Taste for Balance 

The 13th Culinary Cinema will be held under the motto “A Taste for Balance” from February 10 to 15, 2019 [...]
Additional Information

16.01.2019: NATIVe: Female Directors and Protagonists From the Pacific Region Feature Prominently in 2019 Programme 

In 2019, NATIVe – A Journey into Indigenous Cinema is screening 16 short and feature-length fiction and documentary films from the Pacific region [...]
European Film Market & Co-Production Market

15.01.2019: “Co-Pro Series” 2019: Ten New International Series Projects Look to Team Up With International Partners 

On February 12 and 13, the Berlinale Co-Production Market is inviting producers, programming directors, distributors and other series financiers to the fifth annual edition of the exclusive pitch event “Co-Pro Series” [...]
Berlinale Shorts

14.01.2019: Berlinale Shorts: Programme Complete for 2019 

At the 2019 edition of Berlinale Shorts, 24 films from 17 countries will be competing for the Golden and Silver Bear, the Audi Short Film Award (endowed with 20,000 euros) and a nomination as “Berlin Short Film Candidate for the European Film Awards 2019” [...]