O Seeker

While she waits to fall asleep every night, a young girl confronts her fears and anxieties about human existence, the news media and the cosmos. Fear returns to her like an efficient postman carrying dizzying and worrisome letters in which she encounters the same characters each time: a troubled scientist, a two-headed snake, a dancer with four hands and an unsuccessful magician who appears and disappears mysteriously. Amidst it all, a circus unfolds with its many performers leaping, twirling and spinning in shiny costumes. One question looms over it all: “Where are we? Here – where we walk with our feet on the ground? Or there – where everything flows boundlessly?”
Set as the world slowly heals from a pandemic, O Seeker considers the relationship between science, politics, spirituality and superstition in India as it weaves a puzzle of unresolved questions through conversations about grief, loss and absurd events, real and imagined.
by Gavati Wad
with Varun Sahni, Rajashree Sawant Wad, Bhavik Shah, Utkarsh, Gavati Wad, Shamira Dharap, Rambo Circus, Sujata Mane
USA / India 2024 Hindi, English 19’ Colour & Black/White World premiere


  • Varun Sahni
  • Rajashree Sawant Wad
  • Bhavik Shah
  • Utkarsh
  • Gavati Wad
  • Shamira Dharap
  • Rambo Circus
  • Sujata Mane


Director Gavati Wad
Sound Mixing Aidan Reynolds
Producer Gavati Wad
Executive Producer Gavati Wad

Produced by

Gavati Wad

Gavati Wad

Gavati Wad is an artist and filmmaker from India, currently based in Pune. Gavati works primarily with 16mm celluloid using both a camera and cameraless techniques to generate sound and image. Her work responds to tropes and standards present in commercial media practices, including those of the photo studio, television broadcasting and political propaganda. She is interested in questions of identity in contexts such as gender and the nation-state and explores cultural interpretations of scientific phenomena. She received her MFA in Film/Video from the California Institute of the Arts.


2024 O Seeker

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2024