Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the funding of the WCF. If you do not find an adequate answer to your questions, please don't hesitate to contact the WCF:
Which kind of films can be submitted to the WCF?
The WCF accepts full-length feature films and creative feature-length documentary forms, intended for theatrical release with a minimum length of 70 minutes. Short films are not eligible for WCF funding.
Is it necessary to already have a German partner at the time of applying?
No, it is not. The submission can be made by the local production company itself.
You will need a German partner on board only if your project is recommended for funding.
The final funding contract can only be concluded with a German partner. Nevertheless, this German partner has to guarantee that the funds are spent in a WCF eligible region/country. The partner can deduct a maximum of 7.5 percent of the funding amount as a fee for overheads.
What is the role of the German/European partner?
The WCF aims to support films in the WCF regions/countries by developing active cooperations between producers and directors from these regions/countries and German or European partners. Therefore, German or European film companies play an important role in the structure of the WCF – in a cultural-political and in an economic way – approaching a positive understanding of globalisation.
The producer from a WCF region/country can submit a project explicitly for the WCF Classic programme without having a German partner attached at the time of the application. However, a German partner is needed as soon as a project is recommended for funding by the WCF jury. The WCF often serves as a bridge between producers from abroad and German companies, i. e. it can assist in finding an adequate partner. Once a cooperation is in place, the WCF jury's funding recommendation can be turned into a funding contract between the WCF and the German partner.
The German or European partner is responsible for signing the funding agreement with the WCF, is the actual recipient of the WCF support and is also held liable by the WCF for the project. For the final accounting, the German or European partner has to deliver an auditor’s report/certificate confirming that the WCF funding amount (minus possible overheads of 7.5 percent maximum for the German or European partner) was entirely spent for the production of the film in a WCF region/country.
Is a project eligible if the director does not have a WCF region’s/country’s citizenship?
No, it is not.
The WCF is interested in supporting local stories. It wants to support subjects strongly linked to the cultural realities of the region. The “voice” of a local director is essential for the WCF.
In case the submitted project is co-directed by more than two directors, all must have the citizenship of WCF countries.
Only in case of absence of the citizenship for political or historical reasons, the WCF committee can discuss each case individually after the delivery of a statement explaining the circumstances.
How many projects can a single production company submit to the WCF?
Up to two projects per selection round can be submitted.
Can a project be submitted more than once to the WCF?
No, a film project can only be submitted once to the WCF. The only exception would be if a project receives the invitation of the WCF Jjury to apply again with a rough cut, a further developed script or a stronger financing structure within one of the next submission deadlines.
When is the best time to apply a project for distribution support?
The time frame between submission for distribution support to the WCF and theatrical release in cinemas must not fall below 12 weeks.
How does the selection process work?
The WCF assembles an international jury consisting of the programme manager of the WCF together with other external film-related professionals and experts who make recommendations regarding the films to be funded.
The decision sessions are closed and the WCF has no obligation to explain its reasons for declining any funding application.
The WCF reserves the right to grant a recipient a smaller amount of funding than requested.
Can WCF and other funding be combined?
Yes, WCF funding can be matched with funding from other funding bodies. Some exceptions apply for the WCF Europe programme.
However, a project can only receive funding from one of the WCF progammes at a time.