Globally, the film industry finds itself in a process of radical change, as well as technical and structural development. This could one day bring about the complete transformation of the world of film. This year’s WCF Day will contemplate not only the future but also the concept of innovation, a defining component of the WCF’s identity. The discussion will also focus on structural and artistic innovation in the film industry in- and outside regions eligible for WCF funds. Another important topic at WCF Day will be the significance and effect of collaborations between German and European producers, on the one hand; and between producers and directors in the regions funded, on the other; as well as the future role of the WCF within the landscape of German and European funding initiatives.
World Cinema Fund Day: The Future Is Now – Making Things Happen
Wednesday, February 21, 10.30 am – 2.30 pm
Filmmuseum Berlin – Deutsche Kinemathek, Potsdamerstr. 2, 4th floor
(All in English)
Talking About Success, Innovation and Awareness
The WCF’s role and strategies in Germany, Europe, and the funding regions
Director’s Talk: Following its screening, there will be a talk about the WCF-supported film Las herederas (The Heiresses, Berlinale Competition 2018) with Marcelo Martinessi (director, Paraguay) and guests.
Critics’ Talk: What does innovation mean? A critical and self-critical talk about innovative cinema in- and outside the funding regions.
With Jay Weissberg (Variety) and Kong Rithdee (The Bangkok Post) and Lila Puskás ("Berlinale Talents Press")
Producers’ Talk: WCF and German partners. Co-producing cinema in funding regions of the WCF. Are we effective enough? Sharing knowledge and experience, thinking about common goals and funding structures in Germany and Europe.
With Helge Albers (producer, Germany), Nicole Gerhards (producer, Germany), Gema Juárez Allen (producer, Argentina)
In co-operation with the VDFP – Verband Deutscher Filmproduzenten e. V.
(German Producers Association)
Moderator: Vincenzo Bugno (Project Manager WCF)
Free admission / Priority to accredited guests.
Please confirm your attendance at
Cineuropa is proud to be media partner of the World Cinema Fund Day.
We thank the Robert Bosch Stiftung for supporting the World Cinema Fund Day.
The World Cinema Fund is an initiative of the German Federal Cultural Foundation and the Berlin International Film Festival, in cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office and with further support by the Goethe-Institut.
The special WCF Europe programme was launched with the support of the European Union's Creative Europe MEDIA programme. Thanks to additional funding from the German Federal Foreign Office, the special programme WCF Africa was started in 2016. The complementary programme WCF ACP is funded with the financial contribution of the European Union and the support of the Organisation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States through the ACP-EU Culture Programme.