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Immediate Boarding | Hin und Her
Eleven-year-olds Martin and Julia first meet in an airport lounge while waiting for their respective flights. Not only do the children look extremely similar, they also happen to share the same fate: Martin and Julia’s mothers and fathers live in separation and as so often before, they find themselves shuttling off to one of their parents. Both children are fed up of always being on the move – particularly because these weekend meetings are never without some form of conflict. Julia, whose mother intends to marry a man with a daughter of his own, is convinced that her mother doesn’t love her any more. And Martin is always having rows with his father, who apparently would much rather have a hooligan for a son than a shy piano-player. The two children decide to swap outfits and tickets and – hey presto – Julia becomes Martin and Martin turns into Julia. What’s more, their parents don’t even notice their children’s transformation. Julia is the kind of Martin his father always wanted and Martin alias Julia learns just how much Julia’s mother loves her – in spite of the upcoming marriage and the new half-sister. It’s a topsy-turvy world all right, and yet, everything seems to work out just fine. However, before long, the pretence becomes all too much for Martin and Julia and soon they want nothing more than to go back to being themselves again. But it’s not that easy.
by Ella Lemhagen
with Amanda Davin, Jørgen Langhelle, Helena af Sandeberg, Torkel Petersson
Sweden / Norway 2003 91’ recommendation: 7 years and up

World sales

Nordisk Film International Sales

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