La volpe a tre zampe

The Three-Legged Fox | Der Fuchs mit drei Pfoten
Naples in the year 1956. In a city still heavily marked by the war, all anybody wants is a better future, a job, enough to eat and a place to live. Eleven-year-old Vittorio lives in a camp at Canzanella, where he leads a life of hardship and sacrifice. His fortune changes one day when he catches sight of a woman who looks so much like the film star, Susan Hayward, that it simply has to be her. Amazingly enough, the actor notices Vittorio and he gets to meet her. The star and the boy become friends and, all at once, a dream is fulfilled that Vittorio once thought far beyond his reach. Before long, the boy becomes the star’s confidante, someone in whom she can entrust her innermost thoughts and feelings. Meanwhile, Vittorio’s parents scarcely know whether they’re coming or going. The whole neighbourhood is constantly in a turmoil. And then there’s Vittorio and his diva. It seems that Vittorio’s idol has plans of her own, which far exceed the bounds of the young lad’s imagination. Nevertheless, the boy’s fateful encounter with the woman of his dreams forces him to see the reality of his own life through completely different eyes.
by Sandro Dionisio
with Alberto Nolano, Miranda Otto, Nadja Uhl, Angela Luce, Aldo B ufi Landi
Italy 2003 87’ recommendation: 12 years and up

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