This film marks Neil Jordans second screen adaptation, after The Butcher Boy, of a novel by Patrick McCabe. In his book, the Irish writer describes a series of hilarious and drastic episodes in the (fictional) life of a young Irish transvestite named Patrick Kitten Braden, who gains something of a reputation working the streets around Piccadilly Circus in London in the 1970s.
Patrick is born in 1958, in Tyreelin, close to the border with Northern Ireland. At first glance, all is as it should be in this dreamily picturesque little place. But appearances are deceptive, to say the least. Patrick is a foundling the result of a slip-up on the part of the village priest. His mother, who was working for Father Bernard as a housekeeper before she was raped by him, disappears soon after his birth.
Patrick grows up with his foster mother, Ma Braden the malicious, hard-drinking owner of the local pub. At the early age of ten Patrick develops a preference for his step-sisters dresses and underwear as well as her lipsticks. Later he joins a group of boys who re-enact IRA battles, using a child suffering from Downs syndrome as a killer robot. In his teenage years Patrick takes to glam rock and lashings of mascara. Constantly at loggerheads with the village authorities, he finally decides to leave bigoted Ireland and throw himself headlong into Londons nightlife, where he ends up walking the streets as a male transvestite prostitute
Patrick is born in 1958, in Tyreelin, close to the border with Northern Ireland. At first glance, all is as it should be in this dreamily picturesque little place. But appearances are deceptive, to say the least. Patrick is a foundling the result of a slip-up on the part of the village priest. His mother, who was working for Father Bernard as a housekeeper before she was raped by him, disappears soon after his birth.
Patrick grows up with his foster mother, Ma Braden the malicious, hard-drinking owner of the local pub. At the early age of ten Patrick develops a preference for his step-sisters dresses and underwear as well as her lipsticks. Later he joins a group of boys who re-enact IRA battles, using a child suffering from Downs syndrome as a killer robot. In his teenage years Patrick takes to glam rock and lashings of mascara. Constantly at loggerheads with the village authorities, he finally decides to leave bigoted Ireland and throw himself headlong into Londons nightlife, where he ends up walking the streets as a male transvestite prostitute
World Sales
Sony Pictures Releasing
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Alan Moloney (Producer), Cillian Murphy (Actor)
Breakfast on Pluto
Panorama · Press Conference · Feb 11, 2006