Todd Verow: “You grow up fast in the Capehart projects. There was always some new terror happening close by. A woman smothering her baby because she thought it was the Antichrist, maybe she was right – who are we to judge. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Antichrist were born here, or Christ, for that matter. There was the guy who burned down his apartment because his family wouldn’t let him watch his favourite Christmas special – which of course is the only logical thing to do. And then there was the woman who killed her husband and cut him into 15 pieces – ‘just to make sure.’ There was the woman who lived next door who was found sitting in her car naked with her throat slit ear to ear and her hands on the wheel, her eyes wide open. (…) In a strange way it made me feel like anything was possible.”
World Sales
Bangor Films
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Premiere of Vacationland: cast members Hilary Mann, Jennifer Stackpole, Gregory J Lucas and Mindy Hofman with director Todd Verow (from left to right).
Vacationland · Panorama · Feb 16, 2006