Away From Her by Sarah Polley
CAN 2006, Panorama
But when Grant visits his wife after 30 days - that have seemed tortuously long to him - Fiona doesn't even recognise him. The subject of all of her affections is now another inhabitant of the home named Aubrey. Grant has no option other than to accept his new status as a concerned acquain tance and to spend his daily visits watching in silence as the relationship between Fiona and Aubrey becomes more intimate. In time, he makes friends with one of the carers, a woman named Kirsty. During the course of their conversations about his life, it becomes clear that what is happening to him now could be a sign of divine retribution. One day, Aubrey's wife comes back from her holiday and takes her husband home. Distraught, Fiona falls into a deep depression. When her condition becomes life-threatening, Grant decides to make the greatest sacrifice of his life so that Fiona can enjoy the rest of her days in peace.
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Additional information

Sarah Polley
Actor Sarah Polley is presenting her directorial debut in this year's Panorama programme: Away from her.
Away From Her · Panorama · Programme Press Conference · Feb 14, 2007

Sarah Polley, Wieland Speck
Panorama head Wieland Speck is guiding director Sarah Polley to the Zoo-Palast.
Away From Her · Panorama · Feb 14, 2007

Sarah Polley
Away From Her · Panorama · Feb 14, 2007
© Gerhard Kassner / Berlinale