
Preta, Barbarah, Mayah and Lena have all been friends since childhood. They live in Vila Brasilândia on the outskirts of São Paulo. At the moment they're still working as backing singers, but their dream is to have a group of their own. Calling themselves "Antônia", they decide one day to quit working as a backing group and make their dream reality. Getting themselves a manager, the talented singers start gigging the clubs and well-todo parties with a repertoire of rap, pop, soul und MPB (Música Popular Brasileira). It's a hard slog, but the four girls are certain of their goals: money, fame and a life beyond the dismal environs of Vila Brasilândia. But just when they begin to experience a bit of success and it looks as though they might find a way out of their miserable lives, time and again they find themselves up against the pressures of their daily grind, ever-present poverty, male chauvinism and violence. In a jealous moment Preta and Mayah have a fight, Lena bows to pressure from her husband, who doesn't want her to rap, and Barbarah, a skilled Kung Fu fighter, becomes embroiled in the death of her brother's friend. Having almost done themselves out of their opportunity to escape the schlimazel of their lives, the girls must now fight in order to hold onto their dream of another life. And they must sing together again.
by Tata Amaral
with Negra Li, Cindy, Leilah Moreno, Quelynah
Brazil 2006 90'

World Sales

6 Sales Entertainment Group

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