a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee

a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee by Nikki S. Lee
USA/KOR 2006, Forum
© Nikki S. Lee 2006 courtesy Leslie Tonkonow artwork + projects New York

a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee by Nikki S. Lee
USA/KOR 2006, Forum
© Nikki S. Lee 2006 courtesy Leslie Tonkonow artwork + projects New York

Nikki S. Lee
a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee by Nikki S. Lee
USA/KOR 2006, Forum
The photographs of the Korean-American artist Nikki S. Lee show her in a thousand disguises: as a Latina on the beach, as a black rapper, as a Jewish bride; as a young mother and as an old lady on a park bench; as a bookworm and as a skateboarder; as a carefree hippie chick and as a reserved businesswoman. Who is the real Nikki S. Lee, her admirers would like to know. a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee won't answer this question. What she started in her photos, she carries to an extreme in this clever, imaginative, and exceedingly humorous documentary film: a constant play of identities. The filmmaker so cryptically includes the art business, the jet set, the film world in her self-presentation, that even reality becomes unreal, and in the seemingly documentary moments when the artist speaks seriously about herself, you suspect it's reality's last hold. That's a mistake. Because no certainty remains unshaken in this work.
Christoph Terhechte
World Sales
Artworks and Projects
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Niki S. Lee, Hanns Zischler
Photographer and filmmaker Nikki S. Lee (her film a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee is part of this year's Forum programme) and the German actor and essayist Hanns Zischler during a panel talk in the "Deutsche Kinemathek".
a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee · Forum · Feb 11, 2007

Nikki S. Lee
Filmmaker and Photographer Nikki S. Lee. In this year's Forum she is presenting the witty self-portrait a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee .
a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee · Forum · Feb 12, 2007