...a bude hur | It Gonna Get Worse by Petr Nikolaev
CZE 2006, Forum

...a bude hur | It Gonna Get Worse by Petr Nikolaev
CZE 2006, Forum

Petr Nikolaev
...a bude hur | It Gonna Get Worse by Petr Nikolaev
CZE 2006, Forum
The thrill that sex and alcohol offer is more about losing consciousness than transgressing borders, since the only radical way out is to defect to the West. This feeling between the longing for freedom and cynicism is what the film describes so authentically, and sometimes the black-and-white camerawork manages to wring utopian moments out the wretchedness of the devastated northern Bohemian industrial landscape: being young might also mean just having fun, drinking beer, and listening to Lou Reed. Director Petr Nikolaev knows from his own experience that there couldn't have been any biotope like the one Western young people had. He was kicked out of film school because of a short film he made about just such a youth scene. His film adaptation of Jan Pelc's cult novel not only shows us moments of history, it also examines his own biography. And as such, it's an affair of the heart.
Anna Hoffmann