Kathrin Kühnel, Florian Stetter
Aschermittwoch | Ash Wednesday by Ileana Cosmovici
DEU 2006, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Kathrin Kühnel, Oli Bigalke
Aschermittwoch | Ash Wednesday by Ileana Cosmovici
DEU 2006, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Kathrin Kühnel, Florian Stetter
Aschermittwoch | Ash Wednesday by Ileana Cosmovici
DEU 2006, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Ileana Cosmovici
Aschermittwoch | Ash Wednesday by Ileana Cosmovici
DEU 2006, Perspektive Deutsches Kino
Additional information

Ash Wednesday
Three women behind Ash Wednesday (from left): actor Kathrin Kühnel, director Ileana Cosmovici and scriptwriter Sabine Radebold.
Aschermittwoch · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Feb 14, 2007

RP Kahl, Ileana Cosmovici
Presenter Rolf-Peter Kahl and director Ileana Cosmovici, whose short feature Ash Wednesday was premiering that night.
Aschermittwoch · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Feb 14, 2007