Lady Chatterley by Pascale Ferran
FRA/BEL 2006, Panorama

Lady Chatterley by Pascale Ferran
FRA/BEL 2006, Panorama
At the age of 23 Constance Reid marries irresistible Cambridge graduate, lieutenant and mine owner Clifford Chatterley. Their honeymoon is brief. It is the year 1917 and Clifford is soon drafted. When he returns from the front in Flanders he is a broken man, condemned to spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair. The young couple moves to Wragby, one of the Chatterley family's properties. Constance looks back longingly to the years before her marriage when she spent her time with artists and students of her own age, enjoying long trips abroad. Now she feels lonely and isolated in a rural environment that bores her. And yet it is her taciturn gamekeeper of all people, a man whose life and background is so diametrically opposed to her own, who awakens in Lady Chatterley a desire she has never felt before. At first Parkin is mistrustful of his mistress. He cannot understand what a Lady would want from a simple man such as himself. This film tells the story of a passion, at the centre of which are two protagonists, for whom class and other social conventions no longer have any importance. The films ends as Constance and Parkin are about to embark upon a new life together, for which there are no prescribed patterns.
World Sales
Films Distribution Mercure International
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Lady Chatterley
During the press conference for Lady Chatterley: director Pascale Ferran (bottom) and Marina Hands, who stars in the title role.
Lady Chatterley · Panorama · Programme Press Conference · Feb 11, 2007

Marina Hands
Lady Chatterley · Panorama · Feb 11, 2007
© Gerhard Kassner / Berlinale