Zuo You

In Love We Trust
Mei Zhu and Xiao Lu used to be a couple. They lived together, were married and had a little daughter named Hehe. But that was long ago. Mei and Xiao’s marriage broke up; they both found new partners and remarried. The only bond that remains is Hehe. But their normal, routine lives come to an end when their daughter suddenly falls ill. Leukaemia is the shocking diagnosis. Her only hope is a bone marrow transplant from a sister or brother. But Hehe has no siblings. What now? Mei and Xiao and their new partners are faced with a life-changing decision.
Chinese director Wang Xiaoshuai’s eighth film concentrates on life in modern China. This is the story of people who have found a niche and live prosperous lives in a flourishing Chinese economy. An unforeseen event calls in­to question everything they have achieved. All at once they find themselves confronted with things such as love, responsibility, loyalty and morals. In the end a series of fundamental, philosophical issues come to the fore.
by Wang Xiaoshuai
with Liu Weiwei, Zhang Jiayu, Yu Nan, Cheng Kaisheng, Zhang Chuqian
People’s Republic of China 2007 115'

World Sales

Films Distribution Mercure International

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