Cidade dos Homens

City Of Men
Acerola and Laranjinha are two friends living in the slums of Rio. They both dream of a better future. Laranjinha’s dearest wish is to find out the name of his father before he turns eighteen, so that his identity card can be issued in his real name. But this is a mere bagatelle in a neighbourhood in the iron grip of drug barons and their gangs. Acerola has a job as a watchman on a rich family’s estate. He is surrounded by amazing women, about whom he can only dream. But it’s not long before this young man catches the eye of one of the long-legged beauties. Meanwhile, Laranjinha’s grandmother tells him where he can find his father. Heraldo is an ex-con, murderer and a thief. He may not exactly be the father of Laranjinha’s dreams, but still. But then the two boys find themselves in deep trouble with Madrugadão, the locale’s most dangerous drug lord, and must go underground. Laranjinha hides out at his father’s place. But Laranjinha’s father doesn’t like Acerola and so, to please his father, Laranjinha refuses to let his friend stay. Now forced to join Madrugadão’s gang, Acerola discovers Heraldo’s terrible secret.
by Paulo Morelli
with Douglas Silva, Darlan Cunha, Rodrigo dos Santos
Brazil 2007 106’ recommendation: 14 years and up

World sales

Lumina Films

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