Mikael Persbrandt, Lena Endre, Maria Lundqvist, Jakob Eklund
Himlens hjärta | Heaven's Heart by Simon Staho
SWE/DNK 2008, Berlinale Special

Simon Staho
Himlens hjärta | Heaven's Heart by Simon Staho
SWE/DNK 2008, Berlinale Special

Mikael Persbrandt, Lena Endre
Himlens hjärta | Heaven's Heart by Simon Staho
SWE/DNK 2008, Berlinale Special
Susanna’s friends Ann and Ulf lead similar lives. They too have been married for almost twenty years. Financially secure, intelligent and eloquent – the encounters with Ann and Ulf are always a particular pleasure. Over dinner together one evening Susanna begins to talk about one of her colleague’s affairs. Quite unexpectedly, her company gossip prompts fierce reactions on the part of her listeners. The happily married couples begin to argue. Before they know it, they have moved beyond general moralising to talk on a more fundamental, personal level. What do they have after twenty ostensibly happy years of marriage? Things that seemed undisputable during all those years together suddenly don’t mean anything any more. After this evening, life, and the marriages of these two couples and close friends will be quite different.
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