C'est pas moi, je le jure!
It's Not Me, I Swear! | Ich schwör's, ich war's nicht!

Antoine L'Écuyer
C’est pas moi, je le jure! | It’s Not Me, I Swear! | Ich schwör’s, ich war’s nicht! by Philippe Falardeau
CAN 2008, Generation
© Véro Boncompagni-07

Antoine L’Ecuyer
C’est pas moi, je le jure! | It’s Not Me, I Swear! | Ich schwör’s, ich war’s nicht! by Philippe Falardeau
CAN 2008, Generation
© Véro Boncompagni 2007

Antoine L'Écuyer, Daniel Brière
C’est pas moi, je le jure! | It’s Not Me, I Swear! | Ich schwör’s, ich war’s nicht! by Philippe Falardeau
CAN 2008, Generation
© Véro Boncompagni-07

Antoine L'Écuyer, Catherine Faucher
C’est pas moi, je le jure! | It’s Not Me, I Swear! | Ich schwör’s, ich war’s nicht! by Philippe Falardeau
CAN 2008, Generation
© Véro Boncompagni-07

Philippe Falardeau
C’est pas moi, je le jure! | It’s Not Me, I Swear! | Ich schwör’s, ich war’s nicht! by Philippe Falardeau
CAN 2008, Generation
One day Leon’s mother decides to turn her back on her small family, her house and garden and start a new life in Greece. Leon has a string of great ideas to help him deal with his heartache, such as destroying his neighbour’s house, or becoming a professional liar, or even – falling in love with Lea. Director Philippe Falardeau: “The humour appealed to me. And the worldview of a hypersensitive child who describes his own psychic disintegration. I saw a child character who took action instead of putting up with things. Unlike child martyrs, Leon creates his own misfortune. He takes responsibility for it. (…) Leon’s story is a candid look at childhood told through an adult’s cultural references.”
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Daniel Brière, Philippe Falardeau, Antoine L’Ecuyer, Catherine Faucher
Philippe Falardeau (upper right) with his actors Daniel Brière, Antoine L’Ecuyer and Catherine Faucher at the screening of C'est pas moi, je le jure!
C’est pas moi, je le jure! · Generation · Feb 07, 2009

Philippe Falardeau
Philippe Falardeau was the big winner of the Generation Kplus awards in the year 2009: For C’est pas moi, je le jure! he was not only awarded the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk Grand Prix but also the Crystal Bear for the best feature-length film.
C’est pas moi, je le jure! · Generation · Crystal Bear · Feb 14, 2009