Die Stille nach dem Schuss

The Legends of Rita
The film tells the story of Rita Vogt who, as a young woman, was seduced by love and a sense of justice to become a terrorist. Recognising that the RAF is doomed to failure, she seeks refuge in the GDR. The Stasi provides her with a new identity and she embarks upon an ordinary life as a working woman. However, when West-German television begins broadcasting her photograph as one of a number of wanted terrorists, she is obliged to take flight once more. Wolfgang Kohlhaase: “The film doesn’t examine the topic in the form of a dramatised documentary. The events were meticulously researched, but the protagonists, their characters and the plot are all fictitious. It was like that, yes, but nothing was exactly like it is in the film.“
by Volker Schlöndorff
with Bibiana Beglau, Nadja Uhl, Martin Wuttke
Germany 1999/2000 102’ recommendation: 12 years and up

World sales

Bavaria Film International

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