Oleg Ryba
Jutro bedzie lepiej | Tomorrow will be better | Morgen wird alles besser by Dorota Kedzierzawska
POL/JPN, Generation

Akhmed Sardalov, Oleg Ryba, Evgeny Ryba
Jutro bedzie lepiej | Tomorrow will be better | Morgen wird alles besser by Dorota Kedzierzawska
POL/JPN, Generation

Dorota Kędzierzawska
Jutro bedzie lepiej | Tomorrow will be better | Morgen wird alles besser by Dorota Kedzierzawska
POL/JPN, Generation

Akhmed Sardalov, Oleg Ryba, Evgeny Ryba
Jutro bedzie lepiej | Tomorrow will be better | Morgen wird alles besser by Dorota Kedzierzawska
POL/JPN, Generation
I know that many of us hope that somewhere out there is a place that is different, better, and more beautiful. Wherever that might be … What really captivated me about the story of the little fugitives was their extraordinary willingness to break out of their lack of life, their lack of existence … Where did these young, homeless, ragged and hungry boys get such determination? How much courage and strength did it cost them? Aren’t they the great little heroes of the wicked times we live in?
I learned about this whole story by accident, from an acquaintance, after returning from holiday. I sit here in an airy room, typing on my keyboard, creating a story about these boys – a story that moves me. But would I be capable of doing something for them if I met them on the street – right here, today, right in front of me? I’m scared. I’m scared that I wouldn’t. I want to make this film for everyone who is like me. So they can stop being scared.”
Dorota Kędzierzawska
World Sales
Kid Film
Additional information

Evgeny Ryba, Oleg Ryba, Dorota Kedzierzawska, Arthur Reinhart
The two main actors, the director and the producer of the Kplus film.
Jutro bedzie lepiej · Generation · Feb 13, 2011

Oleg Ryba
One of the main actors of the Kplus film.
Jutro bedzie lepiej · Generation · Feb 13, 2011

Dorota Kedzierzawska
In company - The director received the prize for the best film from the Generation Kplus International Jury.
Jutro bedzie lepiej · Generation · Grand Prix of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk · Feb 19, 2011