Beat Brantschen
Kampf der Königinnen | Battle of the Queens by Nicolas Steiner
DEU 2011, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Kampf der Königinnen | Battle of the Queens by Nicolas Steiner
DEU 2011, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Beat Brantschen
Kampf der Königinnen | Battle of the Queens by Nicolas Steiner
DEU 2011, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Nicolas Steiner
Kampf der Königinnen | Battle of the Queens by Nicolas Steiner
DEU 2011, Perspektive Deutsches Kino
In his film KAMPF DER KÖNIGINNEN director Nicolas Steiner attempts a delicate balancing act between tradition and modernity. Structured in strands in which the various protagonists are introduced – such as a committed farmer preparing his cow for battle; a radio reporter cutting his teeth on his first challenging assignment, and a gang of youths on mopeds who only have eyes for the cowgirls – the film portrays this archaic ritual in all its eccentric charm and beauty. At the end of the contest, the victorious cow is crowned, after which this queen of the Alps leads her inferior competitors out to the pastures.
World Sales
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Additional information

Nicolas Steiner, Linda Söffker
The director and the section head.
Kampf der Königinnen · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Feb 17, 2011

Jan Miserre
He produced the film music.
Kampf der Königinnen · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Feb 17, 2011

The filmteam
They all visited the premiere of their film.
Kampf der Königinnen · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Feb 17, 2011

Nicolas Steiner, Malte Can, Markus Nestroy, Kaya Inan
On the podium after the Battle of the Queens.
Kampf der Königinnen · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Feb 17, 2011