2011 12 30 by Leontine Arvidsson
SWE 2012, Berlinale Shorts

Leontine Arvidsson
2011 12 30 by Leontine Arvidsson
SWE 2012, Berlinale Shorts
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Directors' Group Picture
Leontine Arvidsson (2011 12 30), Clément Decaudin (A coup de couteau denté), Oliver Schwarz (Traumfrau), Ivana Todorovic (Ja kada sam bila klinac, bila sam klinka), Xenia Lesniewski (Hypozentrum) and Rachel Mayeri (Private Cinema: Apes as Family) after the premiere of their films of the Berlinale Shorts II.
2011 12 30 · Berlinale Shorts · European Shooting Stars · Feb 11, 2013