House of Cards - 2. Staffel, Episoden 1 (Kapitel 14) und 2 (Kapitel 15)

House of Cards - Season 2, Episode 1 (Chapter 14) and Episode 2 (Chapter 15)
The quest for power as a cold-blooded game of strategy: the TV series House of Cards describes the intrigue and manipulation that goes on in politics in Washington. The plot revolves around Democratic congressman Francis Underwood who finds himself passed over for the post of Secretary of State by the newly elected president, who is a fellow party member. Underwood’s revenge soon turns into a ruthless campaign in which he unscrupulously eliminates one opponent after the other. Underwood’s partner and supporter in his struggle for power and influence is his elegant wife, Claire, who runs a charity organisation. Francis also exploits the ambitions of a young female reporter and uses them for his own ends. House of Cards is the first television series to have been produced exclusively for internet streaming.
In episodes 1 and 2 of the second series, the Underwoods come up against threats that cause their plans to falter. Claire also finds herself having to face a trauma from her past.
by Carl Franklin
with Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Kate Mara
USA 2013 / 2014 98'