Every Thing Will Be Fine

A winter's evening. A country road. It is snowing, visibility is poor. Out of nowhere, a sledge glides down a hill. Brakes are slammed on, the car comes to a halt. Silence. Tomas, a novelist, is not to blame for this tragic accident, neither is little Christopher who could have kept a closer eye on his brother, nor Kate, the mother of the two, who could have called the children in earlier ...
Afterwards, it is as if Tomas has fallen into a deep pit. The relationship with his girlfriend Sara collapses under this burden. He seeks refuge in his writing and tries to establish a family of his own with Ann and her daughter Mina. The film follows Tomas over twelve years in his attempt to give his life meaning again, just as much as it follows Kate and Christopher until the latter is 17 years old and finally decides to face the man he met only once before, on that fateful evening ...
Every Thing Will Be Fine carefully and precisely tells a story of guilt and the search for forgiveness, and the fact that it is not time that is a great healer but the courage to face up to things and to forgive. Especially oneself.
by Wim Wenders
with James Franco, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Rachel McAdams, Marie-Josée Croze, Robert Naylor, Patrick Bauchau, Peter Stormare
Germany / Canada / France / Sweden / Norway 2015 118'

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