Ma révolution

My Revolution
“To dream the future and make it real. You may not realize, they never say it on TV, but these are romantic and historical times.”

Almost overnight, Marwann has become a star. By chance he ends up on the front page of a Paris newspaper and his image becomes a symbol of the uprising against dictators across the Arab world. However the teenager is far more preoccupied with the turbulent emotions stirred up by his fellow student Sygrid than with the political revolution in Tunisia. Emboldened by the attention Sygrid shows him due to his new-found fame, Marwann cleverly re-invents himself as a revolutionary. But this throws up contradictions and he has to confront the question of his identity. A tale of a young man’s tentative first steps in love during a time of change, told with French charm and levity.
by Ramzi Ben Sliman
with Samuel Vincent, Anamaria Vartolomei, Lucien Le Guern, Lubna Azabal
France 2015 80'

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