Where To Invade Next

Where to invade next? Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore makes an offer to the Pentagon to immediately take on the task of invading faraway countries as a one-man army. There are three rules in the film director’s campaign: don’t shoot anyone, don’t plunder any oil, bring back something useful for his fellow-Americans. His research trip in fact serves another agenda of his own devising: he is convinced that somewhere in the world solutions already exist for the USA’s pressing social problems. And so he collects examples of a better quality of life and better working conditions elsewhere – such as Italy’s holiday entitlement regulations, France’s school meals, Finland’s education system, Germany’s approach to accounting for its past, and Iceland’s gender equality. The director of Fahrenheit 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine represents his country’s interests in his usual subversive but also cheerful manner. The result of this upbeat yet thoughtful global invasion is a film about the USA that was made without filming a single shot on American soil.
by Michael Moore USA 2015 119'

World Sales

Bloom Media

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