Haobam Paban Kumar made a name for himself with documentaries about Manipur. In his feature debut, which was shot exclusively with non-professional actors from the region, he expands his cinematic exploration of the land of his home into the story of one dramatic, individual fate, where mythology and political struggle merge into an ethnographic thriller.
- Ningthoujam Sanatomba (Tomba)
- Sagolsam Thambalsang (Tharoshang)
Director | Haobam Paban Kumar |
Screenplay | Sudhir Naoroibam, Haobam Paban Kumar based on the short story “Nongmei” by Sudhir Naoroibam |
Cinematography | Shehnad Jalal |
Editing | Sankha |
Sound Design | Sukanta Majumdar |
Sound | Sukanta Majumdar |
Producers | Haobam Paban Kumar, Thiyam Romola Devi, Warepam Jhansirani |
World Sales
Oli Pictures
Produced by
Oli Pictures
Additional information
Haobam Paban Kumar
Born in 1976 in Imphal, India. He studied Directing and Screenwriting at the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute in Kolkata. Since then, he has worked as a screenwriter, director, and producer.
2003 Punshi (Life); 3 min. 2004 Malem (Mother Earth); 6 min. 2005 They… Me… Them; 20 min. · AFSPA, 1958; 77 min. 2006 A Cry in the Dark; 52 min. · Ngaihak Lambida (Along the Way); 19 min. 2008 The First Leap; 25 min. 2009 Mr. India; 47 min. 2010 Nupishabi (Women Impersonator); 52 min. 2011 Along the Way; 5 episodes, 22 min. each 2012 Ruptured Spring; 17 min. 2014 Phum Shang (Floating Life); 52 min. 2016 Loktak Lairembee (Lady of the Lake)
Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2017