L’ après-midi de Clémence

Clémence’s Afternoon | Ein Nachmittag mit Clémence
When Clémence travels out to the country to attend a garden party with her parents, she’s excited about meeting the other kids. But they’re already romping around and don’t seem to notice her. They even mock her and leave her behind in the woods. And the grown-ups? Too absorbed in their oh-so-important conversations. With charcoal and coloured pencils, the director sensitively traces how it feels to be pushed away by others.
by Lénaïg Le Moigne
with Lilou Tondut, Edwige Livet, Rémi Sulli, Frédéric Colas, Franck Beckmann, Manuel Morvant, Martine Tornil-Ladoire, Aude Briant, Jeanelle Lievequin, Livia Bouyer, Solène Courbière, Siana Avignon, Titouan Avignon, Pierre Rougier, Hugo Bogalhas, Alexis Picker-Gilet
France 2018 French 10’ Colour World premiere recommendation: 4 years and up


  • Lilou Tondut (Clémence)
  • Edwige Livet (Clémence’s mother)
  • Rémi Sulli (Clémence’s father)
  • Frédéric Colas (Guest 1)
  • Franck Beckmann (Guest 2)
  • Manuel Morvant (Guest 3)
  • Martine Tornil-Ladoire (Guest 4)
  • Aude Briant (Guest 5)
  • Jeanelle Lievequin (The girlfriend)
  • Livia Bouyer (Child 1)
  • Solène Courbière (Child 2)
  • Siana Avignon (Child 3)
  • Titouan Avignon (Child 4)
  • Pierre Rougier (Child 5)
  • Hugo Bogalhas (Child 6)
  • Alexis Picker-Gilet (Child 7)


Written and Directed by Lénaïg Le Moigne
Editing Florent Morin
Animation Lénaïg Le Moigne, Clémentine Campos
Sound Design Guillaume David
Sound Guillaume David
Producers Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, Pierre Baussaron

World sales

Lénaïg Le Moigne

Born in Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire, France in 1991, she completed her degree at the Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma d’Animation (EMCA) in 2015 with the film Quand reviendras-tu?. L’après-midi de Clémence is her first professionally produced short film.


2014 A l’aube; short film 2015 Quand-reviendras-tu?; short film 2017 L’après-midi de Clémence (The Afternoon of Clémence); short film

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2018