Kennen Sie Urban?

Do You Know Urban?
While in hospital, “Hoffi” Hoffmann, who has a record for criminal assault, meets Urban, an engineer who has worked on numerous building projects in other communist countries. To emulate him, Hoffi starts working in construction. On a large site in Saxony, he meets student trainee Gila and falls in love. With the support of his crew, Hoffi manages to follow Gila to East Berlin, where it turns out that she is pregnant … Director Ingrid Reschke, one of the few female directors working at East Germany’s state film studio DEFA, uses the re-integration into society of a convicted young offender to depict societal problems – young rowdies, a housing shortage in the East German capital, child neglect by single mothers. Shot largely on location, the film hews to the tradition of the “Berlin films” of the 1950s and 1960s to depict a tolerant, cosmopolitan society. In addition to Urban and a committed social worker, members of East Germany’s Socialist Unity Party also have a hand in making the prophecy expressed in the film’s working title, “even problem children can become people”, come true. Ingrid Reschke died as the result of a car accident shortly after the film was completed.
by Ingrid Reschke
with Berndt Renné, Jenny Gröllmann, Harald Wandel, Irma Münch, Manfred Karge, Katja Paryla, Jürgen Heinrich, Thomas Neumann
German Democratic Republic 1971 German 96’ Black/White Digitally restored version 2018 Rating R12


  • Berndt Renné
  • Jenny Gröllmann
  • Harald Wandel
  • Irma Münch
  • Manfred Karge
  • Katja Paryla
  • Jürgen Heinrich
  • Thomas Neumann


Director Ingrid Reschke
Screenplay Ingrid Reschke, Ulrich Plenzdorf based on reports by Gisela Karau aus der “BZ am Abend”
Cinematography Claus Neumann
Editing Barbara Simon
Music Rudi Werion
Sound Werner Krehbiel, Harry Fuchs, Klaus Wolter
Production Design Heike Bauersfeld
Costumes Katrin Johnsen
Assistant Director Marie-Luise Ullmann

Additional information

DCP: DEFA-Filmverleih in der Deutschen Kinemathek