Heimweh nach Rügen oder Gestern noch war ich Köchin

Homesick for Rügen or Yesterday, I Was a Cook
Sometimes Hannelore wishes she were a Hans, because “when a woman has to deal with a lot of men, she has to summon up a lot of strength to be heard”. The mayor of the island of Ummanz off Rügen used to be a cook. Now she represents the government and demonstrates “socialist democracy in action”. Director Róza Berger-Fiedler weaves Madam Mayor’s encounters with her constituency and discussions about the office with all its responsibilities into a sensitive portrait of a dedicated person.
by Róza Berger-Fiedler German Democratic Republic 1977 German 35’ Black/White Documentary form Rating R12


Director Róza Berger-Fiedler

Additional information

Film print: DEFA-Filmverleih in der Deutschen Kinemathek, Berlin