Songs of the Shirt

Four short 16mm films: Each Song is accompanied by an image track consisting of black film pierced with a sewing machine. The Songs are without titles or credits, at best interventions. They are satellites of the installation The Song of the Shirt (2020). Its film crew forms a choir and sings the short pieces, accompanied by music experiments from the project ZONKEY (Melitopoulos / Schroedinger). As a choir that doesn’t gain visibility and as a film whose surface is pierced, the Songs appear as intervention, as disruption or interruption, like Luddites of film. (Kerstin Schroedinger)
by Kerstin Schroedinger
with Bernadette Paassen, Sophia Sylvester Röpcke, Natalia Rolón, Wibke Tiarks, Kerstin Schroedinger
Germany 2020 English 1' Black/White

Part of the Berlinale Summer Special


  • Bernadette Paassen (choir)
  • Sophia Sylvester Röpcke (choir)
  • Natalia Rolón (choir)
  • Wibke Tiarks (choir)
  • Kerstin Schroedinger (choir)


Director Kerstin Schroedinger
Music ZONKEY (Schroedinger, Melitopoulos)
Producer Kerstin Schroedinger

Produced by

Kerstin Schroedinger

Kerstin Schroedinger

Kerstin Schroedinger is an artist working in performance-based moving image and sound performance. Her historiographic practice questions the means of image production, historical linearities, and ideological certainties of representation. She researches the coinciding histories of industrialization and film. Her works and curatorial practice are often collaborative. Since 2017 she is a member of LaborBerlin, an artist-run analog film lab in Berlin.


2004 Das Monument 2007 anstatt dass 2009 as found; with Mareike Bernien, 15 min. 2010 Rigid things can always be moved about · Translating the other; with Mareike Bernien, 7 min. 2011 Red, she said; with Mareike Bernien, 13 min. 2014 Rainbow's Gravity; with Mareike Bernien, Forum Expanded 2014, 33 min. 2015 Fugue 2017 Bläue 2020 Songs of the Shirt; Forum Expanded 2021 · The Song of the Shirt

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2022